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Emory University

Emory University, located in Atlanta, Georgia, is one of the world's leading research universities. Its mission is to create, preserve, teach and apply knowledge in the service of humanity.

Courses and Specializations

Anthony J. Martin

Anthony J. Martin

Professor of Practice
Department of Environmental Sciences
Bernard LaFayette, Jr.

Bernard LaFayette, Jr.

Civil Rights Leader
Carlos del Rio, MD

Carlos del Rio, MD

Department of Global Health at the Rollins School of Public Health
Cyrus Shahpar

Cyrus Shahpar

Assistant Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine & Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health
Dabney P. Evans, PhD, MPH

Dabney P. Evans, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor
Hubert Department of Global Health. Rollins School of Public Health. Director, Center for Humanitarian Emergencies.
David Schweidel

David Schweidel

Associate Professor of Marketing
Goizueta Business School
Deb Houry, MD, MPH

Deb Houry, MD, MPH

Associate Professor
Emergency Medicine
Dr. Jacob L. Wright

Dr. Jacob L. Wright

Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible
Candler School of Theology and the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies
Ellen Ott Marshall

Ellen Ott Marshall

Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Conflict Transformation
Candler School of Theology
John Kim

John Kim

Associate Professor in the Practice
Organization & Management
Julia Smith-Easley

Julia Smith-Easley

Lead, Risk Communication and Community Engagement
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Emergency Response and Recovery Branch
Karen Andes, PhD

Karen Andes, PhD

Associate Professor
Hubert Department of Global Health. Rollins School of Public Health
Karima Benameur, MD

Karima Benameur, MD

Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology, School of Medicine
Kenneth Carter

Kenneth Carter

Professor of Psychology
Oxford College
Kristin Wendland

Kristin Wendland

Professor of Pedagogy
Department of Music
Lisa A. Macklin, J.D.,M.L.S.

Lisa A. Macklin, J.D.,M.L.S.

Director, Scholarly Communications Office
Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University
Lynn Sibley

Lynn Sibley

Neil Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Melinda Higgins

Melinda Higgins

Research Professor/Senior Biostatistician
School of Nursing
Michael Kuhar, Ph.D.

Michael Kuhar, Ph.D.

Yerkes/Emory Pharmacology and Neuroscience
Pablo Palomino

Pablo Palomino

Assistant Professor & Mellon Faculty Fellow
Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Oxford College
Pamela Scully, Ph.D.

Pamela Scully, Ph.D.

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and African Studies
Sandy Jap

Sandy Jap

The Sarah Beth Brown Professor of Marketing
Goizueta Business School
Sharon Horesh Bergquist, MD

Sharon Horesh Bergquist, MD

Assistant Professor
School of Medicine
Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith

Associate Professor in the Practice of Finance
Goizueta Business School